I downloaded this book yesterday; I finished it today. That in itself is as good as any positive review. The characters are well written, even sideline characters such as Brendan the Gypsy leap off the page. From Bethnal Green to Sevilla Columbia this fast passed thriller works. At times it could linger around a bit longer; I would have liked to know the rest of the tale about Fairfax Hall. You can't have everything and the pace of the book kept me reading. 
The book synopsis covers the story, so I don't feel there is much point in expanding that here. What I can tell you is this; the author makes you feel and smell the scenes.You live inside the characters and understand their interactions.
Overall a great début novel from an author who should be proud of his first stab at writing. Try it.....What have you got to loose? But seat belts on first.

Available at smashwords www.smashwords.com/books/view/253627


    Currently attempting to become an author....not just a writer.


    November 2012


    Book Revues